Exploring the Library Inspector
First you’ll explore important features in the Library inspector.
Try This
Feel free to try out any of the following to see what happens.
Review projects
Select Projects at the top of the Library inspector. The main window switches to
Projects view, showing the projects in the library.
Key photo representing
the project
Move the pointer left or right across a project to quickly skim its images. Projects view
provides a simple way of browsing projects.
Double-click the project image to open the project. The Browser shows the images in
the project.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture
Review all your photos
Select Photos in the Library inspector. The Browser shows all the individual images in
the library.
Click here to see
all your photos.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture
Review photos of people in the library
Select Faces in the Library inspector. The main window switches to Faces view, showing
faces that have been identified in your images. Aperture uses face detection and face
recognition technology to automatically scan and identify faces that appear in your
images. You’ll learn more about this feature later.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture
Review images by location
Select Places in the Library inspector. The main window switches to Places view,
showing the locations of your images on a world map.
Location of the
selected image
Selected image
Aperture can automatically locate images on the map if the camera has recorded GPS
information. You can also manually specify the location of an image, and Aperture
identifies the image’s map location. You can easily identify and group images taken at
a specific location and use a world map to find images taken at shoot locations. You’ll
learn more about this feature later.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture
View flagged images
Select Flagged in the Library inspector. All the flagged images now appear together
in Flagged view. You can flag any image you want by selecting it in the Browser and
pressing Slash (/). To unflag an image, select it and press Slash again.
Flagged images
Click Flagged to display
flagged images.
View deleted items
Click the Trash icon in the Library inspector. The window changes to show items
waiting to be permanently deleted from the library. Because nothing has been deleted,
no items appear now.
When you delete an item, it is placed in the Aperture Trash, but it is not yet deleted
from the library. You can review the images in the Aperture Trash to see whether any
images should be restored, or you can empty the Trash to permanently delete the
images. When you empty the Aperture Trash, the items are placed in the Finder Trash,
where you can still retrieve them or permanently delete them by emptying the Trash.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture
View images rated five stars
Select the five-star Smart Album in the Library inspector. The Browser shows all
images that have been rated five stars. Whenever you rate a new image five stars, it
automatically appears in this album.
Select this album.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture
View video clips in the library
Select the Videos Smart Album in the Library inspector. The Browser shows all video
clips that have been imported into the library. Whenever you import a new video clip, it
automatically appears in this album.
Double-click a video clip to open it. Click the Play button to view the clip.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture
Select a folder
Click the Wildlife folder in the Library inspector to select it. (You may have to scroll in the
Library inspector to see the Wildlife folder.) Then click the Split View button in the toolbar.
Split View button
Select this folder.
Click images in the Browser to see them displayed in the Viewer.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture
Select a project
Select the Bears project in the Wildlife folder in the Library inspector. The Browser
changes to show the images in the project.
Select this project.
Shift-click images in the Browser to select multiple images at once. The Viewer changes
to display the selected images.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture
Select an album
Select the Alaska Smart Album in the Library inspector.
The Browser changes to show the images in the Smart Album. A Smart Album
automatically gathers images and other items based on search criteria that you
specify. In this case, the Alaska Smart Album displays any image that has the word
Alaska assigned as a keyword or as part of the caption.
Select this Smart Album.
Select an image in the Browser, then hold down the Shift key while pressing the arrow
keys to select multiple images. Command-click images that are not adjacent to select
them. Command-click images again to deselect them.

Chapter 1
Finding Your Way Around Aperture